Denim Scooter
Object and Poster
partner project with Gustav Rehnby

The poster reads:

Does Your Husband Look Classier than You?

"You too can turn heads and never question your classiness again"

Glance among your friends. How many of the wives are completely lacking in any style . . . and tragically less classy than their husbands? Unfair though it may be, having a poor mode of transport with insufficient storage capacity matters very little in the measure of a man’s attractiveness, but it can make all the difference in a woman’s. Yet thousands of women have said goodbye to their uncertainty! They have found a way to look as classy as their husbands . . . and combine confidence, poise and style into a fresh new look. Their secret is in the daily use of the famous Denim Scooter. And it can help you to too!

"A great way to stay classy on a budget!"

Specialists have discovered that a deconstructed cat bed, shelving unit and metal scooter combine to create the first phase of Denim Scooter. While at first puzzled by the bizzarre combination of materials, the team began to formulate more ideas for the rest of the process.

"Denim Basket is now the perfect accompaniment!"

After carefully deconstructing a pair of men’s jeans, specialists began cutting the denim into strips. They found that when these were glued to the inside of a plastic basket, it created a durable lining that would prevent small objects from falling through the holes. While part of the team began to assemble Denim Basket, the other half went to work on dismantling the shelving unit. This was a somewhat complicated matter, requiring many tools to free the difficult nails and screws. But soon enough the team had the shelving unit reassembled in a more useful way, forming the infrastructure of Denim Scooter. Parts of the cat bed were then added as extra hanging space for light-weight items such as Denim Basket. The team found that by adding lots of duct tape to the structure, they were able to keep extra handlebars in place, so that one could hold heavier items such as a briefcase or purse. Specialists held a series of test runs in oreder to test Denim Scooter’s durability and stability, and found that it was strcuturally sound. However, they felt it was missing something, namely the denim that would give this great minister of class its rightful name. By carefully stretching a piece of denim over the front and securing it in the back, specialists were able to give the scooter a sail to help propel it forward. Final additions such as the ‘#1’ and ‘grill’
were added to give Denim Scooter that special edge. It is the cutting-edge in class and style today.

"Join thousands of others who claim Denim Scooter will change your life too!"

Every Denim Scooter is 100% handmade. Be a part of the magic that is Denim Scooter and never worry about how classy you look again! All the wives will be talking about you when they see you ride past in your brand new Denim Scooter!

Denim Scooter

Denim Scooter

Denim Scooter is the combined effort of two classmates as they combined several random objects to create the ultimate scooter.
